Mental Checklist

Mental Checklist

I've been (blessed?) cursed with a photographic memory, while not on the level that you see on TV, I can recall past situations/events/conversations/etc with relative ease. I don't exactly have control over it though and sometimes my memory just doesn't "come" to me like I want it to. Being a landscape and nature photographer though, this is extremely helpful because I can look at a photo and remember most everything about it...years after I saw it. 

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Crested Butte Wildflowers

Crested Butte Wildflowers

It's no secret, Crested Butte, Colorado is the place for wildflowers in Colorado. Every summer, carpets of mule ear, lupine, indian paintbrush, columbines, and more appear on the hillsides around the majestic valley. So many in fact, during the second week of July the Crested Butte Wildflower Festival occurs in appreciation for all things wildflower. 

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Stupid Falls | Crested Butte Landscape Photographer

Stupid Falls | Crested Butte Landscape Photographer

If anyone knows me, I'm a sucker for waterfalls. I flagrantly disregard TLC's advice in their 1995 hit "Waterfalls" when they say "don't go chasing waterfalls". We're all drawn to waterfalls, they are beautiful, powerful, and yet calming. Upper East River Falls, or as the locals know it "Stupid Falls", is one such waterfalls for me. 

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