What I'm Listening to When I Edit Photos

If you're anything like me, you probably listen to a lot of music and it probably varies quite a bit too. I'll listen to anything from hip-hop to folk, from EDM to classical and so on. I have a few playlists and artists that I love to listen to when I'm editing or writing blogs, and I wanted to share a few songs with you all. Part of the creative process for me is connected to music, it comes through in my editing often times too.

One of my favorite genres to listen to while editing is ambient electronic music and one of my personal favorites is JSigsworth. His music has been featured heavily in ski movies (where a lot of my inspiration originally came from) and primarily in Supervention and Supervention II.

I've created a photo editing playlist on Spotify as well, which you can find below. This is going to have a variety of genres on it and is mostly upbeat, there are a few ambient songs on there but most of it has songs with lyrics. I find these songs just help me get into a groove when I'm working on my computer for long hours, I need something to break up the songs though.

Below is the playlist for my work ambient songs with no lyrics and help me get "in the zone".

What are you listening to when you're photo editing? Share the songs below in the comments for us to enjoy!